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How Speed Networking Works

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Attendees of the events will represent diverse fields of business, united by a shared focus on serving a specific geographical market. The event will feature 12-20 in-person networking sessions, each lasting approximately 5 minutes. During these sessions, participants will introduce themselves, explore potential synergies, exchange contacts, share ideas, and exchange business cards. Are you aware of individuals with whom this person should engage? Do they possess connections that could be valuable business contacts for you?

The event organizer will indicate the conclusion of the first round, at which point half of the participants will transition to the next station. This rotation process will continue for around an hour.

Subsequently, we will transition to the general networking mixer segment of the evening. This allows attendees to connect with those they didn't have a chance to engage with during the speed networking sessions, or for those who prefer a more informal networking setting.

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developed by atksolutions.com / graphics by kinga.us